Thursday, October 27, 2011

Has Photography Come To This?

What won't a photographer do these days to get their project funded? Yesterday, I (and several others) received an email from a "name" photographer tearfully describing how she and her family were mugged, robbed and helpless in a foreign country. Odd- I had never corresponded with this photographer on a regular basis. Nevertheless, I emailed a wee bit of advice and then quickly got the squeeze on where and how to send the... $1, 950! Jeez, not even the hint of a postcard for my effort (like from many a project at Kickstarter)- and even my Nigerian friends always promise to cut me in handsomely!

Of course, it was all a scam, and they were quickly told what they could do while they waited. More importantly, perhaps this is a forerunner of more elaborate ploys to come our way...


Eric Rose said...

Actually I need $14,000 right away! Can you send it to me via paypal? Please indicate it's a gift.

Stan B. said...

Soon as I cash my MacArthur Grant, Eric!