Sunday, December 27, 2009

Intellectual Curiosity...

I suppose this is why a fellow (photo) blogger called this blog too prolific (ie- off topic?), and definitely why another more Conscientious blogger ceased altogether our occasional correspondence in a near hysterical tirade some years back. Isn't the sum of our life and cognitive experiences part and parcel of what becomes and is ultimately expressed in our creative endeavors?

What is suprising, is when a man of impeccable credentials and accomplishments, a man the stature of Dr. John E. Mack is attacked for merely studying a phenomena that is both widely occurring and yet willfully ignored and gleefully ridiculed by the prevailing scientific community. For his diligent investigative efforts, Dr. Mack's career, position, and yes, very sanity were challenged by those of lesser intellectual prowess, a very potent example of what Professor Stephen Braude calls- Intellectual Cowardice.

Dr. Mack, unfortunately is no longer with us, but not before he had to vigorously defend himself (in and out of court) from both his detractors, and those who lusted for his job and position. Undaunted, he continued to demonstrate that a very significant portion of those who claimed alien contact were not, in fact, delusional, psychotic or the victims of childhood sexual trauma- afterall, he had had considerable expertise in studying, investigating, and defining the aforementioned.

Dr. Mack was adamant that our very limited mindset reliant on pure physical evidence blinded us to the very existence of realities beyond our own three dimensional universe. In an age where we are now beginning to speak in terms of a multiverse (as if our own universe of billions of galaxies each with their own billions of star systems and planets is not overwhelming enough to contemplate in and of itself) and of Super String Theory with its possibilities of multiple dimensions, why oh why do we freak when we contemplate the very consequences such theories afford, that there can be beings, other than our own foolish monkey selves, who can visit and study us just as we in turn interact with the "lesser" creatures in our own more limited realm? Believing that impossible is as naive as believing in a bearded god who created our planet 6,000 years ago in six days...


Aaron said...

I've stopped trying to have debates via email with the blogger you mention. Some people just take themselves too serious.

Stan B. said...

There are things that really do need to be taken seriously. Taking oneself too seriously- that's a whole nother can of worms.