Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar And Beyond

Got this interesting email today referring me to a post on, of all things, the movie Avatar- a movie I'd already sworn not to see for numerous reasons. Specifically, it highlights the racial baggage this movie and others of its genre incorporate. repackage and disseminate. Interesting reading...

Personally, I find the current Hollywood extrvaganza The Blind Side, which has Sandra Bullock serving as iconic surrogate mother and savior of the black race, infinitely more offensive. Mario Van Peebles once related that when he was pitching his idea for a movie on The Black Panthers, one of the Hollywood execs suggested a scenario in which the down on their luck Panthers were sheltered and reinvigorated by one very forward thinking (white) teacher. Yes, you can make it up- especially when it comes to history...

This in itself is, of course, fodder for extended writng, debate and discussion- alas it's Saturday, and I'm off to work. Yes, work... on a Saturday.

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