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I'd have a better chance parking here... |
Well, spring has finally sprung,
and I've already officially struck out- and then some. Every once in a
great while I manage to get up the courage to submit some work for the
express purpose of being ignored, humiliated and reminded that I'm too
old, out of touch and just not worth the bother.
Entered five different competitions this year, and only one remains left
to mock, reject and just plain... forget me.
Now, I never thought I'd make it to the NY Times Portfolio Review, that was just a nice (free) pipe dream from the start, same goes for being published in Canteen (even though the Lenscratch consolation prize was a fairly sweet way to be labeled... LOSER!). I did think I had a decent chance, a really decent chance at this Fotofilmic competition
meant solely for film users. Man, they either have some pretty high
fucking standards up Canada way, or they're just flat out jealous of us true blue citizens of the US of A- you know, the real Americans (sorry, Eric)! And of course, the year started off by
getting the boot right here in the hood from the local Bay Area Photo Alliance exhibit. Four for four baby! And now the clock is finally ticking on the last remaining option towards completion of the 2013 perfect storm of humiliation.
Of course, I'm still very much keeping fingers crossed for #5; what's that definition of insanity again? I entered a few photos for The Brooklyn Fence this year under the category of Home- four very strong entries that very much reverberate, relate and speak to that particular theme. There's really no excuse imaginable for them to be rejected- None! I can state that, emphatically and unequivocally, before anyone and everyone.
That and $2.75 will get you on the subway...
Ah,,poor Stan :( No offense taken, but if you notice and I'm sure you did, there are only a couple of jurors that are Canuckdian. Maybe you should only use one name when entering. Something like Stanislov or Bokeh. Gotta have a little bit of snobbishism happening. Did you check out the images made by the shortlisted people? Might give you a clue as to what the judges were looking for. Save your entry money and go buy a lotto ticket. Better odds of winning ;)
Blame it on the foreigners- eh, Eric: a little something you no doubt learned from the good folk south of the 49th?
You are on to something though- gotta brand myself better, start tweetin' and a few tats (ditch the lotto, even the winners end up broke and screwed).
Maybe a personal trainer- and longer artist statements...
I actually used a mashup of a bunch of pretentious over blown hideously long artist statements once. I made a joke at the end to the effect that my art was for free but reading my artist statement would cost them $1500 because I put way more effort into creating it than the art. I don't know why you seek validation from a bunch of turds that obviously have no idea what you are trying to say and don't want to take the time nor invest in the mental energy in finding out. When you die get buried in the pet cemetery you photographed. That is weird enough to attract the "news" media and you will become famous. Some art turd will "discover" you, produce a book of your images, make loads of money and then you will be forgotten once again.
I'd never pretend I have any much more to say, other than look- the same as everyone else. It's just nice to get some people to actually do the latter from time to time.
The wife and I tried getting permission to get married at the pet cemetery, were denied, and decided to do it anyway- but it poured on the big day. We got married in our apt building lobby- people said it was the best wedding they ever attended, but I digress.
Thanks for my future scenario suggestions- I particularly liked the part where I make someone else some bucks and get forgotten for the effort...
Well I like your stuff.
Much obliged, Eric. Really. FWIW, like the millions more who clamor for their 15 minutes, all anyone can do is... persevere. Bitchin' for it's own sake does little else than help clean out the lungs- exactly what's needed sometimes. I've been lucky to carry on, "meet" some pretty great people (as yourself), and hopefully add a little to the conversation.
A pathetically hopeful lot are we!
Stan, I like your work as well.
If you are interested in shows, I suggest creating vacuous conceptual work - it's marketable!
Thanks, Noah.
Yeah, that shit's always been marketable. And I can like it every bit as much as the next guy-
but the thing that ticks me off, that really ticks me off-
-to be continued...
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