Monday, November 8, 2010

Did You Hear The One About...

Comedians once helped relieve the stress garnered from modern everyday life and anxiety- only occasionally poking fun of our leaders. Now we turn to them to also dissect and disseminate the daily news that is under reported, ignored or perverted beyond all manner. The court jesters have become our primary, de facto fact checkers, the keepers of the truth, the very guardians of the last vestiges of American sanity.

In America, news programs are sad, sick jokes, parodies of a tradition of journalism that currently have legal license to make it up as they go along...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this. I couldn't agree with Maher more. The left does seem to be running scared right now and the Fright Wing feasts on weakness - as bullies and louts tend to do.