Tuesday, November 23, 2010

They Hate Us Because...

Of our freedoms? 

We could start with the fact that there are  373 American military bases throughout the world. And the majority of those bases are not defending our freedoms, and certainly not the freedoms of those whose land they occupy. They are however, very much defending the rights and privileges of our major corporations and financial interests that use their particular territory however they see fit, usually to the detriment and repression of the indigenous peoples who are being occupied.

Common sense to those who possess it, traitorous heresy to those with a flag up their butt.


Unknown said...

Given the current leap backwards in social evolution (The Teabaggers) I think that this problem will only worsen. Maybe it's time to emigrate?

13 Stoploss said...

Sounds like Chalmers Johnson. Good book.

Stan B. said...

