Vacation's over; for two pitifully short weeks I actually got to make believe I had some small amount of control over my life. Now it's back to the 50 other weeks of debt and reality. It's not the most comforting thing ending vacation watching a History Channel special on just how much more devastating the inevitable, and sooner, rather than later, earthquake in San Francisco will be compared to its
1906 predecessor. Of course,
if it happens while I'm here, I got the 20, the Widelux and the Tri-X ready to roll... That is, if the wife and I are not crushed under several tons of debris, burned beyond recognition, or impaled, dismembered or decapitated by falling glass... Until then, the bills for my lavish lifestyle will keep me occupied.
You need a "Donate" button, I hear they are all the rage.
I just can't decide on the color...
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