Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Forty Years and Several Generations...

I was thirteen at the time, and it's taken me forty years to realize the iconic photo above was taken by the infamous Burk Uzzle...


Unknown said...

Why is Burk Uzzle "infamous" ? I thought he well respected and a past president of Magnum?

Stan B. said...

Charles- ya flat out got me! Other than the fact that he was one of the first photographers that I became familiar with so many years ago and actually made me laugh- I really don't know why he should be regarded as infamous either (other than that it's sometimes hard to think up "new" adjectives to describe people and their work and that I somehow, someway fell far short on that particular day).

So please let it be known- there is no known, legitimate reason as to why ol' Burk should be referred to as "infamous," unless someone out there can think of one. Famous, respected, talented, legendary-- but certainly not "infamous." Thanks for keeping things honest around here...

And should anyone feel inclined to refer to me as infamous- please feel free.