The now forcibly retired blog about: Photography, Life and the occasional UFO...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Brian Rose- Berlin In From The Cold

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Photoblogging Hierarchy
Recently, someone contacted me with a rather simple, and rather good idea for starting a new blog. He had also contacted several other photographers and bloggers to participate in his project. I told him I'd be honored to take part, but that I wouldn't at all be surprised if general response and participation were less than enthusiastic, being that he was a relative newbie and that the online photo "establishment" can be rather clique-ish (as in high school). I just hoped that wouldn't be the case.
About a week later he replied that response had, in fact, been considerably less than forthcoming- perhaps for the reasons I had stated, and that he was now considering working with unknown, "amateur" photographers in a somewhat revised format.
Although his original idea was not something radically unique (it has certainly been done on many an occasion), there was no such site (far as I know) that was devoted exclusively to it on a regular, consistent basis. Unfortunately, egos being as they are, people were not going to give an unknown that chance- someone who could not immediately guarantee furthering and advancing their work.
Funny how we treat our own.
About a week later he replied that response had, in fact, been considerably less than forthcoming- perhaps for the reasons I had stated, and that he was now considering working with unknown, "amateur" photographers in a somewhat revised format.
Although his original idea was not something radically unique (it has certainly been done on many an occasion), there was no such site (far as I know) that was devoted exclusively to it on a regular, consistent basis. Unfortunately, egos being as they are, people were not going to give an unknown that chance- someone who could not immediately guarantee furthering and advancing their work.
Funny how we treat our own.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hear It And Weep...
I've posted on this before (on the prior incarnation of this blog), and there is now an absolute plethora of information available. That said- we are still no closer to ending this orchestrated mass killing which continues to this day. It is the sad and tragic story that is Ciudad Juarez, a story of extreme violence, corruption, and everyday murder fueled by rampant drugs and a global economy hell bent on squeezing out every last penny human life can possibly offer.
Visit it during the day for a few hours (as I did) and other than the usual poverty of a developing country, you may leave unaware that anything more's amiss. Walk its streets as a citizen, and the light of day will not protect you from the evil that both surrounds and terrorizes its very heart.
Monday, July 27, 2009
But I Don't See Race...

Nothing personal, folks- strictly "business." Click on book cover featuring photo of white girl to illustrate novel about... a black girl. (via boingboing)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Vive Le Tour & Viva El Contador!!!
Three weeks of torture, pain and discipline ends today with a triumphant Alberto Contador riding into the steets of Paris- a champion who was unjustly prohibited from competing last year in Le Tour despite being its previous year's winner, simply because he had the misfortune of joining a team which was then banned from participating for behavior prior to his joining! This year he took it all, despite competition even from within his own team, competition in the form of 7X champion Lance Armstrong. And despite what you may think of the latter (bully, cheat or ultimate champion) Armstrong's hawk like presence does add Drama with that capital D. Watching both ascend, along with second place winner Andy Schleck, trying to outpsyche and outpace each other up the vertical path to hell called Mont Ventoux was a cramp inducing spectacle of pain and persistence personified.
Shopping Your Wares To Prospective Galleries?
Good Luck with that!
In the past two years, at least 24 galleries have closed in Manhattan, mostly in Chelsea, according to New York City-based Artnet magazine, which covers the fine art world. "That's really dramatic," said Artnet editor Walter Robinson.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Delocator

Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Floaters, Handicaps & Stupidity...

I distinctly remember the time and place when it happened ten years ago. I tried to read a list and my eyes couldn't focus. What the!?! Age had finally come calling- prolonged late night TV and intense staring and straining through a grain magnifier had finally taken their toll. I needed reading glasses. Five years later, I woke up one morning to blurred spots of fuzziness and "flashing lights" in the corner of my left eye later that evening- that kinda threw me. Found out I had developed floaters. These are not the traditional spots in front of your eyes that everyone experiences, they're small masses of cells that separate from the back of your eyeball and start floating about casting "shadows" on the front. If you squint in bright light against a light background, they appear as if small jellyfish lazily hanging about, otherwise, they're just small out of focus grey spots. Fortunately, they only obscure about 10-15% of the sight in my left eye and the situation has stabilized, but since I photograph with my left eye, it has sometimes made critical focusing difficult.
With considerable patience and practice however, I have trained myself to photograph with my right eye- something I had previously thought absolutely impossible (notice how nose in photo is seemingly enlarged and bent towards left). It took some time to get my overall sense of balance and composition using my other eye, but now I actually forget which one I used.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hip Hop, Crack Head, Low Life, Gang Banger...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Let It Not Be Said...
That I don't stand up for all oppressed minorities...
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Reverse Racism | |||| | ||||
Still Enough To Go Around...
Frank Rich claims this may, in fact, be the final swan song of the racist mindset that epitomized the world I was born into. Me, I'm not that optimistic. There's still many a complete Neanderthal babbling about (not to mention their sympathizers)- and their "apologies" somehow fail to reassure me...
Monday, July 20, 2009
San Francisco...

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Two For The Road...
Got beaten to the punch twice this past week- and on consecutive days! The almighty Duckrabbit posted on Mark Page's new book (which never fails to bring a smile to my face). Obviously, much thought and reflection have gone into the concept, execution and naming of this uniquely handsome and singular production. Click on photo to order...
And what will remain an unnamed blog highlighted Sophie Gerrard's E-Wasteland, an extraordinary essay about e-waste "recycling" in India. Her other work's well worth a look too... (via BoingBoing)

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My Favoite Museum Guard

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
White and Normal...
As CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin argued on air: "What's worth noting about what Jeff Sessions -- the line of questioning, was that being a white man, that's normal. Everybody else has biases and prejudices ... but the white man, they don't have any ethnicity, they don't have any gender, they're just like the normal folks, and I thought that was a little jarring."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For now, HOPE remains very much looking aloft safely behind those security bars, deftly ignoring the reality curled up directly beside it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Send Lots of Your Money To Planet Mag...

Regardless, Planet magazine does have quite the set. Their 2nd Annual Global Travel Photo Contest is ridiculously high on the list of money grubbing photo competitions- at least as high on the list as their first annual contest, which also charged FIFTEEN Dollars PER Photo! That's right- each and every image you submit will cost you 15 greenbacks!
Now, no one forced me to enter, true that. All I'm saying is that you'd think for that price they'd at least honor their own obligations which stated entrants would be automatically notified upon receipt of submission- I never was (despite two inquiries). That's one... two... three separate opportunities to respond with a simple yes or no reply. But they sure as hell notified me right quick when to send more $$$!
Fool me once...
Fool me once...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Hurt Locker

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Vacation Over...Earthquake Soon

Friday, July 10, 2009
Separating The Men From The Boys...
Well, Le Tour de France really starts today as they hit the Pyrenees. Will Alberto Contador finally announce himself as his young legs propel him up the mountains he's meant to dominate? Will the 37 yr old legs of Lance Armstrong remain as formidable as before? This battle for leadership, within one team no less, is tension and excitement enough... Or will someone else create their own drama and leave the favorites behind?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
PDN Rapid Response Time...
Must say, found it curious that PDN Pulse pounced on this story on the very same day the issue of digital manipulation was raised; but PDN had to be publicly shamed into responding over a period of weeks to the charge of passive racism on their count...
And for those who still think racism is well... just so yesterday- check out the post directly below! And this one, and...
And for those who still think racism is well... just so yesterday- check out the post directly below! And this one, and...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Photographic OCD?
Well, it certainly looks like yet another "documentary photographer" has been caught with his hands in the "art" photography grab bag. That is, someone who has purposely gone so out of his way to deny he does any digital manipulation, certainly appears to have both hands deep into it- so much so, the NY Times has removed his featured essay from their site. Some people are obviously better able to spot such things than myself, I guess the question is- since this wasn't particularly a flash news item, shouldn't these images (all images in this day and age) have been vetted more meticulously by a photo editor who can, in fact, identify such manipulation for such a prestigious organization? Perhaps, this should even be a separate position- Image Authenticity Editor?
At this point, it sure seems as if Edgar Martins has got quite the case of photographic OCD. (via HuffPo)
At this point, it sure seems as if Edgar Martins has got quite the case of photographic OCD. (via HuffPo)
Forty Years and Several Generations...

What Place!?!
This is way, waaay too early in the game to draw any conclusions, other than to say that Le Boss still has the thrill factor. This will soon be relegated to ancient history as the days and weeks inexorably wear on in this race of unholy attrition. But the old feuds are back and- new ones to be determined?
Monday, July 6, 2009
A few things from NYC...
I'll be outta town for a coupla days, and then very much stuck home for god knows how long... (the sign on the 3rd one down reads New Is Beautiful, the 4th one down is a tribute to Thomas Roma- and I swear I didn't sneak in the last one from my 70's archive).

Sunday, July 5, 2009
New York Confidential
Not unlike the legendary Michael Jackson face that logged an ever increasing array of alterations by the year, the populace of Manhattan also seems to increase in size with each and every visit, slowly morphing into some Western equivalent of Shanghai on the Hudson. On a recent weekend there was, what for all practical purposes appeared to be, a cue just to cross the Brooklyn Bridge! Forever gone are the quiet little nooks and crannies one could seek out on weekend afternoons that made the place livable.
New Yorkers, of course, are born into a constant state of competition. We learn to talk fast, walk fast, and eat while doing both. And everyone on that high speed treadmill is either a potential contact or outright competition. A fortunate few find their mark, others learn to "voluntarily" step off- the remainder are simply thrown aside. I fear there will be more of the latter with such increasing numbers. Neighborhoods once dangerous, are now safe- and unaffordable! New York has always been a city of extremes, it's just a shame that it takes colossal tragedy for its denizens to momentarily stop doing for themselves, and start doing for each other.
The weather: I'm told it has been raining in New York since April. At first the usual April showers, followed by increasing rains in May, then daily downpours in June which are continuing unto July. Pa Banos says he's seen nothing like it in the fifty years plus he's spent there. And the elderly guy crossing the street as I was coming out of the Strand pretty much agreed, "Rain, rain, rain- why does it have to rain every goddamn day!" (7/4- sunny, warm & dry)
This and That: Took a few photos and anxious to see the results. Managed to catch a few photo exhibits- my favorite being Carlos Jimenez Cahua's other worldly Peruvian essay at Anastasia Photo Gallery which has the rather unique policy of attempting to further connect the photographic images and the events they depict by coupling each exhibition with a related philanthropic organization. Cool!
Walked the 1/3 completed NY High Line- would have liked it a lot more if they had just left it alone a lot more- instead of making it so "people friendly." And while NYC does actually seem a bit more bike friendly with some freshly minted bike lanes- I hardly felt the urge to risk life and limb in that potporrri of traffic and mayhem.
Both Williamsburg and DUMBO are tragically overhip, overcrowded, and overdone. Long Island City, as Ber Murphy's Sleeping Giant has chronicled, will also soon be there with all the construction going on. Right now however, it still has a nice balance, not to mention the LIC Bar- a great place to stop by for some suds after a long, humid day lugging camera in hand!

New Yorkers, of course, are born into a constant state of competition. We learn to talk fast, walk fast, and eat while doing both. And everyone on that high speed treadmill is either a potential contact or outright competition. A fortunate few find their mark, others learn to "voluntarily" step off- the remainder are simply thrown aside. I fear there will be more of the latter with such increasing numbers. Neighborhoods once dangerous, are now safe- and unaffordable! New York has always been a city of extremes, it's just a shame that it takes colossal tragedy for its denizens to momentarily stop doing for themselves, and start doing for each other.
The weather: I'm told it has been raining in New York since April. At first the usual April showers, followed by increasing rains in May, then daily downpours in June which are continuing unto July. Pa Banos says he's seen nothing like it in the fifty years plus he's spent there. And the elderly guy crossing the street as I was coming out of the Strand pretty much agreed, "Rain, rain, rain- why does it have to rain every goddamn day!" (7/4- sunny, warm & dry)
This and That: Took a few photos and anxious to see the results. Managed to catch a few photo exhibits- my favorite being Carlos Jimenez Cahua's other worldly Peruvian essay at Anastasia Photo Gallery which has the rather unique policy of attempting to further connect the photographic images and the events they depict by coupling each exhibition with a related philanthropic organization. Cool!

Both Williamsburg and DUMBO are tragically overhip, overcrowded, and overdone. Long Island City, as Ber Murphy's Sleeping Giant has chronicled, will also soon be there with all the construction going on. Right now however, it still has a nice balance, not to mention the LIC Bar- a great place to stop by for some suds after a long, humid day lugging camera in hand!

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Le Tour!!!

Photo: AP
Documentaries- Great and Small

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