I generally don't like night photography, the "atmosphere" and shortened tonal values don't much do it for me. I also don't usually go for people who go by the initials of their first two names. Fortunately, I'm an open minded kinda guy cause RJ seems quite the nice all around and his work is the kind of stuff I'll come back to look at- repeatedly.
It's nice to see someone taking a chance with black and white these days- and making it work to their advantage. Everything in Opportunity is either bent, broken, scratched, cracked or scuffed. The flash accentuates form and minimizes distraction. The photographs appear both primitively simple, and elegantly refined- no easy feat. They're also very reminiscent of what B&W was doing for oh, such a brief period in the mid seventies, freeing itself of the documentary aesthetic and going into more conceptual waters concentrating on form and minimalism- before it got cold cocked by that distracting color revolution thang.
I once said basically the same about Jason Evans' work, and he corrected me saying... well, actually I forget exactly what it was he said. I just found it curious that he was correcting me when I had seen the stuff in person- at the same time he was busy being a prepubescent. But that's what I get for being twenty, not writing down names, and thinking that things will last forever in an analogue B&W world. But I digress...
Perhaps RJ's work will spawn yet another clarion call for The Great B&W Revival, I say- let it come of it's own damn accord. In the meantime, just enjoy and marvel at his LA awakened from mid slumber; you won't find the usual flashes of its broken humanity, just the illuminated detritus of its everyday, pedestrian architecture, looming about like those strange, shape shifting invertebrates that inhabit the ocean's vast, dark depths.

Beautiful. And I don't even like black and white photography generally, since so many people who are "so into it" are also apparently into style over substance. they like it just because it looks like art.
This stuff is art. Harsh and beautiful.
Although I mostly shoot and "see" in B&W, I really have no preference as to which I'd rather look at. When it's good, it shines- as it should be...
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