Up until the latter twentieth century, whenever some homegrown, psycho non-Muslim crazy would shoot up a bunch of his fellow Americans, a few of our feckless, chosen leaders would denounce the crazed, wanton act of depravity and proclaim that we really needed to finally get all up and serious about doing something or other about all those things that shoot people and get 'em all killed. Yes, it was really, finally, and without a doubt time to really and finally do something about...

So much for that foolishness. Cause we're the god fearing, flag lovin', gun toting land of the free, and we no longer talk the crazy talk of needing less guns in this here 21st. century! Everyone now knows, if anything, we need more guns. And God loves the guns! Jesus loved his goddamn guns to death- if he a had his freakin' Uzi on that bleak and bleary Friday... no way they'd nail him to no damn cross. No Fuckin' Way! Every goddamn, god fearin' Christian'll tell ya that straight up!
We're Americans goddammit- Christian to the core. We don't get shot up less God wants it so.
The Halo game is a satire, but I don't think the kindle book is. The model is a bit of both. Oh my god, Stan, and I thought the UK was mad.
Yes, Colin- to an outsider such as yourself, our customs may indeed appear a trifle odd. May I suggest a bit of reading for your own personal enlightenment in regards to our culture:
You'll be properly versed in what The Bible teaches us about proper gun ownership and usage in no time!
20 mass slaughters a year on average in the US. The NRA and their whack job followers will never get it figured out.
For the record, even I can understand owning a registered firearm for self defense if the prospective owner passes a background check- and a required safety course. But assault rifles, 30 and 100 round magazines? INSANITY.
Thanks for the link to the reading, Stan. I understand your ways much better now. The scales have fallen from my eyes and clarity reigns.
A proud and simple folk are we!
Thanks for the publicity.
David (author, www.godandguns.com)
My pleasure, David- or Greg, or whatever alias you're currently using!
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