Just look at that baby- those curves, that lens hood, the vertical lugs... Not to mention the glorious, volumptuous 6X7 negs you get from the damn thing. I could even be an art photographer with that baby strapped on my shoulder- dang, at least look like one!
$3000 bucks for a film camera that you can't change lenses on?! Please don't try and tell me the profit margin is so tight they can't throw in a lens shade. Geez. Ya it looks sexy. But 30 years too late. I'm a film guy, but this camera would not convince me to get rid of my Blad. Nor would it convince me to not buy a used Blad, 80mm, 50mm and 150mm for about the same price. Meter! Don't need no stink'n meter.
Hey, some 50-60 yr olds buy Porsches... me, I'd get this- if I had the bucks. But then, you're talking to a guy who usually walks around sporting a Nikon FG (at least it's black).
One of these days, as the golden twilight years approach, I'm either gonna get a Bessa R4M with a lovely dime sized Zeiss 20, 28 and 35- or go completely minimal AND digital with something like a Fuji X100 WA (w/varying aspect ratios). And that'll be it- if I can't get the picture, I just walk on...
I had a Bessa R, get little camera. Sold it. Bought a Leica M3. Greatest disappointment ever. Bought a Leica M5, great camera. Bought Summicron 50mm and 90mm. Nice but no chubby. My good old Nikkormat Ftn was better than all of them. Nikon rocks!
The Bessa & Leica M's are absolutely beautiful pieces of machinery/technology (even if they are miles apart as far as quality). Every time I see either of them, I fall into lust- unfortunately, I damn well know I won't be able to take half the pictures I want with either of 'em- so it's gonna take some doing before I finally take the plunge and spend money I don't have for something I hopefully won't regret.
Well if you think you've got retrotechnolust in a bad way, how about this one: I just bought a Mamiya RB67 Pro SD. A cross between a retirement present, a set of weights, and a prayer for the calm to use it.
Wow, gonna do some some fast, from the hip street shootin," are ya?
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