There are
so many good photographers out there, an all too obvious given. Refine that to "master" photographers, and the list shortens considerably, especially when speaking of currently active photographers. For the sake of argument and definition, I'll simply define a "master photographer" as one who has produced exceptionally high quality work- and lots of it. Of course, the main sticking point there is what constitutes "high quality," and what of artists who produced smaller amounts of work but caused major shifts or changes in the direction of the art form itself (eg- Frank, Arbus, Eggleston, etc)- but I digress. What I'm directly addressing here are photographers who fit my previous definition and are not the common everyday names one would automatically recite. I'm going to mention one-
I'd be interested in hearing yours...Andrew Borowiec is a landscape photographer who photographs in a variety of formats and has
recently started documenting in color. Whatever the medium or the subject matter, his compositions have a highly dynamic but meditative quality about them- and after initial viewing, I love inspecting all the intricate little details to be found within those compositions. Why his name, and work, isn't better known, I just don't know...

Keith Arnatt, Nigel Shafran.
oh and Daniel Meadows...
Those Daniel Meadows Bus portraits are classics!
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