Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Greenpeace Corporate Whore

I certainly wasn't aware that almighty Greenpeace itself was part of the green washing movement- although I most definitely realized that recycling my bottles and napkins wasn't going to do a damn thing long as corporations were able to freely proliferate hundreds of thousands of tons of waste and toxic contaminants into our air, water, food and land on a daily basis. (Thanks to TYWKIWDBI!)


Nickname unavailable said...

nope, not a damn thing, but something. try this on for a month: throw your stuff into your living room (or darkroom if that is the most important room in your place). All your stuff, including your shirts, shoes and shits. Toilet paper... Now take a picture of it to see how little you do, how much it takes to store that little bit.

Eric Rose said...

I always thought the Greenpeacer's were a bunch of wankers!

Stan B. said...

Yup- that's why I keep doing it no-nickname guy...