This post marks
the official 5th year anniversary.
R-F originally started at a different address as a blog/website conglomeration on godawful Yahoo software with a dozen half assed scans of workprints (literally
first try darkroom prints)- didn't have Photoshop, and wouldn't have known what to do with it if I had. Basically it started at a time when I was (after 17 years) no longer working as a Spec Ed teacher of E-D students (finally got around to telling a few supervisors, who could put the Bush admin to shame, which side was up in a district I wasn't tenured in), and consequently needed something to fill the gap between...jobs. It's been a kick ever since.
I'd like to think things have improved here somewhat over the years (along with my Photoshop skills), particularly since there are loads more sites (directly to the right) that offer the very latest in news, talent and reviews- so I really want to thank one and all who make the occasional stopover. I suppose we're an acquired taste, so I'm always grateful for your indulgence, and appreciative of your comments and suggestions.
5 years? that's a bloody lifetime in bloggy world!Well done Stan and here's (raising a glass) to another 5. Hip Hip.
Thanks, mate!
PS- I congratulated that Conscientious fellow on my blog on his anniversary- guess he'll get around to reciprocating tomorrow...
From Pete Brook of Prison Photography who emailed stating he had problems via Word Press:
Well done Stan. I didn't realise you'd been at this 5 years. That is some achievement.
Thanks for keeping us afoot and in opposition of political amorality and the (decreasingly veiled) racism in our countries.
Here's to your voice!
And yours, Pete!
congrats, Stan. you have unique and interesting taste and point of view...much needed in cyberspace and much appreciated. here's to the next 5!
Thanks, beatriz- great to have ya...
Congratulations on your longevity and on the quality of your current blog.
Thanks, Stan- back at ya!
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