But three things practically guarantee to keep me out of said loop: the cost of a full frame digital body (so I don't have to buy new wide angles), the ridiculous complexity and near needless range of useless choices so integral to modern digital cameras, and last (and far from least in my book), the inherent butt ugliness of those digital recording devices. I could go on, expounding on each of the above, but I have no desire whatsoever for a digital v analogue debate- it's all been said...
And then comes this little (actually, quite comprehensive) article* which has got me feeling pretty damn good about myself- for the immediate future...
Film's true death knell- the inevitable environmental/water restrictions of the coming decades...
*(via Photokaboom).
I'll be collecting rainwater, just like my grandad did.
Unfortunately brenda- we may be needing that water for more, uh... personal reasons in the future. And did you know that it's actually illegal to collect rainwater in many of our states?
Somebody better alert Claridge's
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