Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Our House


Eric Rose said...

The Tea Party should be labelled a terrorist organization. They have taken over from Osama in bringing down the US economy.

Stan B. said...

It's absolutely insane! Repubs would be the first ones screaming bloody freakin' murder if the Dems even thought of pulling something like this; and even though there's usually more than enough blame to spread around- our starry eyed, compliant press is also culpable in portraying this particular situation as something in which both sides are equally to blame...

Eric Rose said...

The Tea Party should start their own standalone political party and break away from the GOP. That way if people want them they can elect them.

Stan B. said...

The Tea Party is a parasite that will never leave its well monied host unless the brain dead Republican Party has the balls to call them out for being the crazy, insane inanities that they are and kick them out into the gutter of humanity from which they arose and ultimately seek to drag the rest of us into...