Monday, March 5, 2012

Mortram On A Mission!

Photo: Jim Mortram

I tend to bitch and complain a bit, somewhat, a lot- and most of the times it's about things "somewhat" beyond my control: racism, war, political persecution. Other times, most often when it concerns me, it can be complaining for complaining's sakes- even if rooted in something fairly reasonable. 

I mention this because here's a guy who hell and high water ain't stopping, a guy who's making photographs best he can, when he can- hell, he didn't even own his own camera until recently (if Nikon should throw anyone a camera)! Jim Mortram aint got time for bitchin', hardly has time for shooting- but oh, what images he does make when he can!

If you haven't caught him over at Duckrabbit, catch him at his website...


Unknown said...

Thank's so much! Really appreciate this. Very kind. Cheers!

Benjamin said...

Terrific work.

Stan B. said...

Always inspiring (in more ways than one) to see work like this whenver it comes along... just don't forget to take care of #1, this road is littered with many a flamed out shooting star.