All photos: © S. Banos |
If you've never done the ol' Intro Photo 101 exercise of shooting blindly with your camera, you really owe it to yourself to do so- if only to drive home the fact of what pure chance can achieve completely independent of: your vision, your judgment, your personal choices and aesthetics (granted you choose
when to pull the trigger). The overwhelmingly vast majority of images will be little more than a mumbled, garbled mass of arbitrary chaos- but also included will be the miraculous frame of serendipitous magic where random bits and pieces of fragmentary imagery amass and congeal into something much greater than the sum of its parts in ways unimagined! A very important lesson for those (like me) who don't crop and like to control every single millimeter of every single image...
Somewhere between complete random chaos and hyper controlled vigilance is the age old act of shooting from the hip- a greater degree of control in that you are actively choosing your subject matter and aiming in the general direction, but the ultimate outcome is still in the hands of the gods of chance and serendipity. Again, most of the results will be far wayward of the mark- too far away, too close, too far to the left, too far to the right, too far up, too far down... But the chances of something coalescing into something that succeeds are considerably greater than if you hadn't taken the shot at all, particularly when raising the camera to eye level would have destroyed whatever spontaneity you were choosing to capture in the first place! Armed with my newly acquired Ricoh GR, I was curious as to what I could achieve doing just that on a recent 3-4 day return to my hometown...
All Photos: © S. Banos |
Conclusions: Most attempts did end up courtesy of the Delete button. And on any given day, I'd much rather take a graceful layup (with a chance of three) than the awkward Hail Mary shot from half court (granted, not the best analogy since shooting from the hip does get you in closer- but we are talking percentages). I'm also betting the more one practices and refines the experience, the more keepers one is bound to acquire.
No doubt the percentage of hits would've risen with just a bit more help
in the visual guidance dept- I sincerely hope the next GR takes a
page from the Fujifilm X-70 playbook and incorporates a flip screen
(after all the X-70 took pretty much everything else from the GR). Yes,
it will definitely increase the camera size a tad in depth, but it will also
make it a much more formidable street image making machine!
Spray and pray was Winogrand's MO. He lucked out with some good stuff. I wonder what his hit to miss ratio was?
I was fortunate to see him shoot back in the day on some of the very same streets I traversed this past week. He may have made it look like "spray and pray" simply because he was so well practiced at being quick (and accurate) on the draw, but he was very methodical on how and what he shot.
Wow, being able to see Winogrand in action!
I sure that you've probably seen this before, Winogrand in LA 1982, he was very methodical on the streets.
Well then you are just going to have to channel your inner Winogrand. Just don't leave tens of thousands of unprocessed images behind.
I already got more than enough B&W files than I have time for...
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