Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How Do I Love Sage Sohier!?

Let me count the ways... No, seriously. This is a photographer who I had never heard of just a few short days ago, a photographer who is very much the complete amalgam of every photographer I love most (slight exaggeration only- see below). How could she have escaped my view for so long- we're talking... years decades here! A photographer using many of my favorite tools and language, ways of seeing and communicating... all of which she employs to so much better use. Each photograph a plethora of details and minutiae, and somewhere within those intriguing frames... a uniquely powerful human presence. And she's been creating these wonders, forever- where the hell was I???

So rather than trying (and no doubt failing) to further explain why I appreciate her so, why don't I just try something a tad different to illustrate (and celebrate) said admiration with the myriad of influences and similarities so readily visible in her work. The only question being- who influenced whom!?!? (This is not to proclaim direct influences either way, merely to denote similarities- feel free to make your own comparison list).

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Vanessa Winship)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Mark Cohen)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Chauncey Hare)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Bill Owens)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Diane Arbus)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Tod Papageorge)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Thomas Roma)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Mark Steinmetz)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Shelby Lee Adams)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Matt Black)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Gary Winogrand)

Photo: Sage Sohier  (via Joel Sternfeld)


Anonymous said...

You left out a lot of great color work.

Stan B. said...

I linked to all of Ms. Sohier's work, she's quite the prolific artist- anyone and everyone is free to choose their favorites. I highlighted mine, her earlier B&W.