Frankly, this undertaking may flat out tank, or it may turn into one very valuable resource for photographers (and other lovers of the medium) to engage in some excellent photography by unfamiliar names who have achieved high level bodies of work, and are currently lacking gallery representation. Obviously, we're hoping and betting on the latter. And please note that the work need not be current, good photography withstands the test of time- isn't that what it's all about? I often wonder what happened to the scores of incredible photographers whose work I saw in NYC galleries in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, and have never heard of again.
So, if you're past the age that values the aesthetics of sagging trousers... Represent! Deadline details- first week of Jan '09!
I met that Mark Page the other day, don't want to break your dream Stan BUT I swear he's not a day over fourteen.
Yeah, well, I hear they mature faster in Manchester...
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