The other thing that separates Purpose from other online photo mags is that it reads and feels like a print publication. This is simply because its presentation mimics the printed page- complete with photoshopped gutters between magazine pages. Usually I find myself buying into this virtual magazine presentation, it makes me want to slow down as I take it in, carefully inspect its wares, and "turn" its virtual pages. The illusion is complete. Other times, I "wake up" and realize I'm being subjected (online no less!) to one of the premier mortal sins of the printed page, having the picture divided into segments by being run across a virtual gutter! Clearly, if online photographic presentation excels in any one dimension, it's the elimination of that god forsaken visual travesty!
If I'd compare Purpose to any other photographic publication, it would probably be Blind Spot, but unlike the latter print publication which strives to be so absolute cutting edge (and in the process limits itself into an utterly boring and predictable repetition), Purpose, at times, succeeds.
That was one of the most enjoyable links I have clicked on in quite some time. Thanks!
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