Monday, March 24, 2008

4,000 v 1,191,246

As in US v Iraqi dead, and there will yet be more, much more if McCain is elected. And each and every one- for what? What did the deaths of our soldiers accomplish in Viet Nam? Did it stop communism then; have we destroyed terrorism today? Did it make the Viet Namese freer, safer- as we claimed? And did it make us any more so? Agent Orange will continue to maim, disfigure and poison that land and its people for decades to come. Depleted uranium has been doing much the same in Iraq. And we have yet to compensate anyone in Viet Nam, despite willfully raping and killing its land and people.

And we continue that ass backward legacy to this day- and "they hate us because of our freedom." Puh-lease!!!


kathleen fonseca said...

I so agree with your despair over the war..saw your comment in the New Yorker/Nubar Alexanian thread over at TOP and just wanted to let you know i share your feelings. There are no words but somehow you manage to articulate your thoughts and takes a brave man to keep talking..i shut up long ago. It was all just too sad..and now the 4,000 milestone, a road littered with the bodies of men and women who gave their life for "flowers"..the ones that were supposed to be strewn in their path as they strode victoriously into Baghdad. *sigh*..

Stan B. said...

Thanks so much for writing in with your kind words, but it hardly takes bravery to sit comfortably and type out a few words to keep from imploding. Brave are the people who must continue to walk the streets of Baghdad, who have to raise sons and daughters who are the unfortunate victims of those streets.

And while I'm on my soapbox- let's not forget that their are plenty of victims of PTSD (many of them children) living right here in our inner cities who never had to leave our shores...

kathleen fonseca said...

yes, well, the walking wounded is a whole 'nother kettle of fishy business. The problem in Iraq, as any other society (such as Guatemala) raising children amidst horrifying violence is that they, duh, grow up to be horrifyingly violent.

Regarding inner cities on "our" shores, i live in CR not the US but there are definitely barrios here where you wouldn't want to raise a pet cockroach, much less a child. And the beat goes on doncha know. Have a good day in spite of it all. 'dya'