Sunday, November 10, 2013

12 Years A Slave

I almost feel that to speak of this film only cheapens it, for nothing within it is wasted, and anything I would have to say could never pay it justice. Every scene, every moment is used to full potential, even the air hangs heavy, with you in its presence. Director Steve McQueen has resurrected the evil insanity upon which an entire nation was created, whose legacy we continue to deny to this very day.


Eric Rose said...

Everyone, well 99% of Americans anyway, are still slaves. Be it to banks, credit card companies, landlords or low paying employers. You might not get beaten physically, but you sure as hell are beaten mentally and spiritually. Once you are completely broken and worth nothing to the 1% you are tossed out on the street.

Stan B. said...

True that, and without health insurance, you are beaten... physically.

That said, this movie reminds us in NO uncertain terms what the real deal was like- and that was unlike anything you or I could ever possibly (even think to) persevere...