Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This Is Who And What We Were For Five Long Fuckin' Years!!!

And still, the Obama administration is reluctant to prosecute...

"We possess all the evidence which proves that the torture methods used in interrogation by the U.S. government were explicitly ordered by former U.S. defence minister Donald Rumsfeld. Obviously, these orders were given with the highest U.S. authorities' knowledge."


Unknown said...

This is incredible information. It is just a shame it was broken up by "discordant-Philip-Glassesque" instrumentals. I like Philip glass, I like documentaries and I like Errol Morris. But, I don't like it when filmmakers mimic another's style and let themselves down. This clumsy use of audio distracts the viewer from the horrific and important information presented.

Louise Arbour of the UN spoke very well about the standards expected of civilized society.

This was just one story of several British citizens detained and tortured, and if you wish to appreciate the true hopelessness of the individual within the complex system I can highly recommend Michael Winterbottom's film "Road to Guantanamo".

Thanks for the post.


Anonymous said...


Bush protects himself.
dictators love language.
